
2018年3月31日—RAMDisk是種將記憶體轉換成磁碟空間的技術,生成的磁碟區具備RAM的存取速度,存取速度更是固態硬碟(SSD)以及傳統硬碟(HDD)無法比較的,但同時解繼承了RAM ...,Conceptually,turningyourmemoryintoausablediskdrivemayappearsimple,butinpracticetherearemanycomplexvariablestodealwithwhenoperatinga ...,AMDRadeon™RAMDiskisakernel-leveldriverthatallowsyoutopartitionunusedportionsofsystemmemoryinordert...

[評測]八款RAMDisk 軟體測試分享Part.1 (AMD Radeon ...

2018年3月31日 — RAMDisk是種將記憶體轉換成磁碟空間的技術,生成的磁碟區具備RAM的存取速度,存取速度更是固態硬碟(SSD)以及傳統硬碟(HDD)無法比較的,但同時解繼承了RAM ...

AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk User's Manual and FAQ

Conceptually, turning your memory into a usable disk drive may appear simple, but in practice there are many complex variables to deal with when operating a ...

AMD Radeon Memory

AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk is a kernel-level driver that allows you to partition unused portions of system memory in order to create the ultimate virtual disk drive.

AMD Radeon Memory - Support - FAQs

AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk Support Center. The self-service support center provides solutions to your most common questions about RAMDisk in order to get you on your ...

RAMDisk User Benefits

To utilize more of your memory's processing power with Radeon™ RAMDisk, increase your memory capacity for an additional boost in overall system performance.

AMD Radeon RAMDisk

AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk current release notes include the latest performance enhancements and bug fixes and is compatible with AMD and Intel platforms.

AMD Radeon RAMDisk

AMD Radeon memory is precisely tuned to maximize the performance of your system for a faster experience. Radeon RAMDisk harnesses the untapped potential of ...

AMD Radeon(TM) RAMDisk

AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk is designed to work with any AMD or Intel-based platform with at least 512MB RAM and can be created using system RAM not already assigned to ...

分頁檔不該放RAM Disk ?? (第4頁)

... AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk則可以到4092MB(約4G) 兩者其實都一樣,可以考慮用AMD的就好,看下圖差異: AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk下載頁 補充:DATARAM RamDisk 最新釋出的版本訊息 ...

RAMDisk 4.4.0 RC34 記憶體當硬碟用,速度狂飆!

RAMDisk 4.4.0 RC34 記憶體當硬碟用,速度狂飆!
